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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 902  Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV

Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV

1 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV . Early TV was listless with boring homogeneous programming. They were asked to modify this in the face of viewer wrath. So, they got a debutante with puppets in a baroque set. She used pantomime and viewers construed the meaning. It was great. A tell all book received under affidavit has recently fleshed out the details. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV . Early TV was tired with boring monotonous programming. They were asked to change this in the face of viewer anger. So, they got a pretty young woman with puppets in an ornate set. She used gestures and viewers understood the meaning. It was great. A tell all book received under oath has recently fleshed out the details. . .
Vocabulary Story 927  Graceland: Elvis Presley's House

Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley's House

1 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House . The gist of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was a voluble blatant vulgarian. Inanimate objects like his gaudy limos show this. It was inexorable that litigants attacked him to try to to claimants to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship even the interstices of its sidewalks. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House . The take away of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was a talkative outright rich crude person. Silent objects like his over showy limos reveal this. It was inevitable that suit bringers attacked him to try to lay claim to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship even the cracks in its sidewalks. . .
Vocabulary Story 925   Silent Spring

Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring

1 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring . After WW2, DD2 was proffered as a panacea against insects. The public had reverence for science and adopted it with alacrity and tractably used it. Then data was gleaned and DD2 reviled as carcinogenic. Even restaurants were affected. An elegy: The Silent Spring was written. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring . After WW2, DD2 was advertised as a cure-all against insects. The public had respect for science and adopted it with haste and obediently used it. Then data was collected and DD2 criticized as cancer causing. Even restaurants were involved. A sad book: The Silent Spring was written. . .
Vocabulary Story 916  Butterfly Collectors Find Joy

Vocabulary Story 916 Butterfly Collectors Find Joy

1 Vocabulary Story 916 Butterfly Collectors Find Joy . There is a confraternity of butterfly collectors with older ones giving avuncular advice. They vie to get rare species. There is a lot of heinous drudgery and ominous weather at times but perquisites also, as they evince their gossamer trophies, the subject of panegyrics. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 916 Butterfly Collectors Find Joy . There is a brotherhood of butterfly collectors with older ones giving uncle-like advice. They compete to get rare species. There is a lot of dreadful slogging and threatening weather at times but benefits also, as they demonstrate their glimmering trophies, the subject of high praise. . .
Vocabulary Story 913   Interesting Bible School   Delights

Vocabulary Story 913 Interesting Bible School Delights

1 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories . The Abbess ran a tutorial about the bible which endeared her to the little community around the convent. This appurtenance caused a renaissance of interest in the Bible. She taught about the clamor of the inundation of Noah and how the Jews were afflicted by the Philistines with their bacchanals. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories . The Abbess ran a study class about the bible which made her liked in the little community around the convent. This additional thing caused a re-birth of interest in the Bible. She taught about the uproar of the flood of Noah and how the Jews were troubled by the Philistines with their drunken parties. .
Vocabulary Story 915  General Pilot of the Luftwaffe

Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe

1 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe . Adolf Galland was peerless amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him infamous, a premeditated murderer. He took gusto in enlightening young pilots who held him to be omniscient. He was vociferous in forwarding pristine axioms about aerial tactics. One time he survived though his plane was shot up, porous with holes. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe . Adolf Galland was without equal amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him notorious, a systematic murderer. He took enjoyment in teaching young pilots who held him to be all knowing. He was out spoken in forwarding pure principles of aerial tactics. One time he survived though his plane was shot up, filled with holes. . .
Vocabulary Story 907  Early Music halls in New York City

Vocabulary Story 907 Early Music halls in New York City

1 Vocabulary Story 907 Early Music halls in New York City . The start of mucical theater in early NYC was spontaneous. The rationation was to make a living in a nicer wat than at the docks, laundries or factories. Impresarios purveyed musical shows that have been traduced as cheap and low class, defiling the art of ‘real’ music. Crowds of workers jostled at the portals of the halls for a seat on the benches. If singers added interest with nuances on old tunes, they could prolong the longevity of their careers. . 2 Vocabulary Story 907 Early Music halls in New York City . The start of mucical theater in early NYC was impromptu. The reason was to make a living in a nicer way than at the docks, laundries or factories. Managers provided musical shows that have been criticized as cheap and low class, dirtying the art of ‘real’ music. Crowds of workers shoved at the entrances of the halls for a seat on the benches. If singers added interest with novel twists on old tunes, they could prolong the span of their careers.
Vocabulary Story 909   The Gangster Baby Face Nelson

Vocabulary Story 909 The Gangster Baby Face Nelson

1 Vocabulary Story 909 The Gangster Baby Face Nelson . The sullen gangster with the pseudomyn Baby Face Nelson, was so famous; his name was truncated to Babe. He wore the totem of an ocher cat for luck to compliment his pin-striped suit. He breached all types of laws, enough to give the FBI vertigo. Young people ogled him from the lattice of a park bandstand as he brazenly went to the movies in Chicago in his big Duesenberg car with his platinum haired moll. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 909 The Gangster Baby Face Nelson . The gloomy gangster with the fake name Baby Face Nelson, was so famous; his name was shortened to Babe. He wore the charm of a yellowish cat for luck to add to his pin-striped suit. He broke all types of laws, enough to give the FBI dizziness. Young people gawked at him from the wood lattices of a park bandstand as he openly went to the movies in Chicago in his big Duesenberg car with his bleach blond haired girlfriend. .
Vocabulary Story 898  Indian princess Saves an English Colony

Vocabulary Story 898 Indian princess Saves an English Colony

1 Vocabulary Story 898 The Indians and John Smith . John Smith was given a furlough from the distressed Jamestown colony to look for food. He was captured by choleric Indians who had fulsome fears about the English’s intents. Smith became in love with the chief’s daughter who was lovely with a slim midriff and all. She blanched at his advances. Smith tried to promulgate his ideas to her, saying the English didn’t have deleterious natures. A plaque commemorates the place she brought food to the colony which saved them. . 2 Vocabulary Story 898 The Indians and John Smith . John Smith was given a leave from the distressed Jamestown colony to look for food. He was captured by angry Indians who had a lot of fears about the English’s motives. Smith became in love with the chief’s daughter who was lovely with a slim waist and all. She blushed at his advances. Smith tried to get his ideas across to her, saying the English didn’t have bad natures. A plaque marks the place she brought food to the colony which saved them.
Vocabulary Story 900  The Real Cause of War

Vocabulary Story 900 The Real Cause of War

1 Vocabulary Story 900 Hitler’s Real Motives . Hitler’s odious rhetoric was really a spiel, moving Germany helter-skelter toward war. A welter of propaganda untethered the median view of the average German. The opposition was suppressed so not even an iota was left to parry his views. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 900 Hitler’s Real Motives . Hitler’s hateful speech was really a sales pitch, moving Germany headlong toward war. A storm of propaganda unhinged the centrist view of the average German. The opposition was held down so not even a little bit was left to turn aside his views. .
Vocabulary Story 901  The Allied Bombing Campaign Against Germany

Vocabulary Story 901 The Allied Bombing Campaign Against Germany

1 Vocabulary Story 901 The Allied Bombing Campaign Against Germany . People were credulous Allied bombers could depredate Germany of its war industry. A lot of cognitive effort was expended on both sides. A baleful seamless wall of flak was prepared to meet the bombers. They would have no succor. This caused a furor in bomber command. Pilots and crews had slim chances of survival and became religious, not profane in any way. Bombers switched to very high altitude, using heaters and oxygen vials and lines to breathe. . 2 Vocabulary Story 901 The Allied Bombing Campaign Against Germany . People were doubtful Allied bombers could rob Germany of its war industry. A lot of mental effort was used on both sides. A threatening continuous wall of anti plane artillery was prepared to meet the bombers. They would have no help. This caused chaos in bomber command. Pilots and crews had slim chances of survival and became religious, not unreligious in any way. Bombers switched to very high altitudes, using heaters and oxygen bottles and lines to breathe.
Vocabulary Story 905  The Roman Emperors Varied

Vocabulary Story 905 The Roman Emperors Varied

1 Vocabulary Story 905 The Roman Emperors . There was a confraternity of famous Roman Emperors. Powerful historical figures who changed the world. One was tactless and laconic, one studied epistemology and was pusillanimous, one was impolitic and impulsive. An exhibit at the library, embellished with newfangled holograms shows them in Rome. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 905 The Roman Emperors . There was a brotherhood of famous Roman Emperors. Powerful historical figures who changed the world. One was rude and spoke little, one studied philosophy and was timid, one was unwise and rash. An exhibit at the library, complimented with innovative 3D images shows them in Rome. . .
Vocabulary Story 922   The Oscar Show

Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show

1 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show . People used to be riveted to the Oscar show. You did not have to coerce people. The pregnant pause before the big award was thrilling. Now the show has become senile, dousing the interest of the audience. Erratic moves have been made to remedy the situation but they only exasperate the few remaining viewers. The show is obstreperous and filled with bathos. It’s time for the Academy to publish a manifesto stating what it’s about. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show . People used to be glued to the Oscar show. You did not have to force people. The suspenseful pause before the big award was thrilling. Now the show has become old and weak, putting a cold blanket on the audience’s interest. Odd moves have been made to fix the situation but they only frustrate the few remaining viewers. The show is loud and filled with phony emotionalism. It’s time for the Academy to publish a statement clarifying what it’s about. .
Vocabulary Story    1939 Car of the Future

Vocabulary Story 1939 Car of the Future

1 Vocabulary Story 1939 Car of the Future . The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with tripartite wheels. This preempted attention at the GM pavilion; unfaltering drawing crowds. People would loiter around its track even in sultry weather. This ‘car of the future’ was disparaged as being afflicted with intractable control issues. However; this was erroneous. One must do obeisance to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 924 1939 Car of the Future . The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with three wheels. This took over all the attention at the GM pavilion; aways drawing crowds. People would hang around its track even in hot humid weather. This ‘car of the future’ was criticized as being troubled with unsolvable control issues. However; this was wrong. One must do homage to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time. .
Vocabulary Story 921  The South's Desperate Plan

Vocabulary Story 921 The South's Desperate Plan

1 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took measures apropos to the gravity of the situation. They took formerly traduced dissidents from prisons and crazy houses and collated them into units that could be used to skirmish with the invading Union forces. These were conjoined into armies; the generals accorded the biases of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops chanted incantations. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan . As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took measures appropriate to the seriousness of the situation. They took formerly slandered odd people from prisons and crazy houses and sorted them into units that could be used to fight with the invading Union forces. These were assembled into armies; the generals gave in the whims of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops chanted magic tunes. .
Vocabulary Story 919  The Plight of the Homeless

Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless

1 Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless . The mean homeless person lives in monotonous, licentious, noxious conditions. The rudimentary conditions amount to asperity. Their skin gets effaced. Rain obviates the need for a wash. Their few raffish possessions are in a cardboard box. Helping them out of this plot is meritorious. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless . The average homeless person lives in boring, immoral, harmful conditions. The primitive conditions amount to harshness. Their skin gets rubbed away. Rain replaces the need for a wash. Their few tawdry possessions are in a cardboard box. Helping them out of this plot is praiseworthy.
Vocabulary Story 911   Boston USA Two Faces

Vocabulary Story 911 Boston USA Two Faces

1 Vocabulary Story 911 Boston USA Two Faces . Boston is prudish. Yes, they have a penchant to be liberal, underscored by empathy for the poor. However; all this goes into abeyance when people infringe on their property. Then they become conducive to wanting police and order; with an attitude that would qualify as an ice floe. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 911 Boston USA Two Faces . Boston is overly-proper. Yes, they have a leaning to be generous, demonstrated by feelings for the poor. However; all this goes into neutral when people trespass on their property. Then they become ready to call the police for order; with an attitude that would qualify as a glacier. .
Vocabulary Story 912  The US's Southern Border

Vocabulary Story 912 The US's Southern Border

1 Vocabulary Story 912 The US’s Southern Border . There is dismal bedlam at the US Southern border. Adherents to the open borders doctrine say any restrictions are an affront. People are lining up en masse to enter the spacious USA. The levee is about to burst. Inept border services work in makeshift kitchens with incandescent bulbs hanging. It is hardly food for a gourmand but nourishing. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 912 The US’s Southern Border . There is depressing chaos at the US Southern border. Followers of the open borders doctrine say any limitations are objectionable. People are lining up all together to enter the big USA. The dam is about to burst. Over loaded border services work in makeshift kitchens with glowing light bulbs hanging. It is hardly food for a fine eater but nourishing. . . . 3
Vocabulary Story 928  Our Sad Morality Values

Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values

1 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values . We now have unprecedently pliable morality and legal systems. There are weak convictions, using slight pretexts to mollycoddle criminals, absolving them of wrong doing. It is an improvised system, vilifying good people as a panacea for supposed past wrongs. At the same time, abortion is rampant and there is talk of euthanizing the old and infirm. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values . We now have unheard of flexible morality and legal systems. There are weak beliefs, using minor excuses to pamper criminals, forgiving them for wrong doing. It is a made-up-on-the-fly system, condemning good people as a cure-all for supposed past wrongs. At the same time, abortion is pervasive and there is talk of ‘mercy killing’ the old and infirm. . .
Vocabulary Story 930  The Old Crazy Artist Spoke

Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke

1 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke . The limpid lily pond is a relic of the taut coy neurotic artist’s life. His stilted art is systematic of his disordered mind. He used many irrelevant malapropisms in his advice to young artists, who thought his early death a calamity. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke . The clear lily pond is a left over of the tight shy muddled artist’s life. His awkward art is a product of his disordered mind. He used many nonsensical funny word substitutions in his advice to young artists who thought his early death a tragedy.